

阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列 阿發鈦~玩色牌型能量多彩項圈系列

原價: NT$1,280.00

Special Price NT$880.00

可用性: 有存貨

現今社會中上班族、打電腦、滑手機、不良運動及姿勢...等造成肩、頸疲勞、不適者眾多,這個問題也經常困擾著大家;現在您可以有不一樣選擇,幫助您的肩、頸放鬆同時也具時尚流行感的全新產品,α-Ti 玩色能量多彩項圈~是您可以立即測試效果、長時間配戴也不會造成困擾的最佳產品,時尚、多彩、自由配色、彰顯個性化又能幫助肩、頸輕鬆、柔軟的最佳良品。

Due to using computers/mobile phones, improper exercise, overwork and poor posture, etc., more and more people are disturbed by fatigue and tense in shoulder and neck. Now you can have a different choice to relieve tense in your shoulder and neck as well as be up-to-date on fashion. Wearing α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace for a long time is able to loosen your shoulder and neck as well as feel more comfortable. α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace is fashion, colorful and the best product to relieve your shoulder ann neck.

α-Ti 玩色牌型能量多彩項圈 測試方法:

α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace test method:
1. Keep your body still and turn your head to left and right as far as you can to feel muscle tense as well as find out the painful point.
2. Wear α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace then repeatedly turn your head, you can instantly notice the painful point disappeared as well as the turning angle is larger.

※ Can be tested immediately, people are more tense or inflexible can feel relieving effect obviously.

α-Ti 能量玩色項圈能幫助血液循環,放鬆緊繃及肩頸硬叩叩等不適狀況,柔軟肩頸部位使運動效能更佳,使用前、後的活動有助投球、揮拍...等運動效能。

α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace is for better blood circulation, relieving tense and discomforts in shoulder and neck as well as enhancing performance efficiency to pitch and swing better and easier.


α-Ti Product directions: Relieving by physical principle without any drugs.

Product principle: The wrist is relaxed by physical principle without any drugs.

Maintenance instructions:
Please don’t use knives or scissors to cut it. The material of α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace is fine with any environment; therefore, you don’t need to take it off for hot springs, sea, shower and so on. The silicone is the same material as pacifiers what is qualified by SGS, please feel safe using it.

* 必填欄位

原價: NT$1,280.00

Special Price NT$880.00



原自能量元素經重新配方及製程調整自行開發製造之 α-Ti 能量多彩項圈,輕薄、舒適、柔軟、貼身,不妨礙肩、頸正常活動,戴過就知道,特殊加工法將 α-Ti 與矽膠結合,長時增強α波,使肩頸放鬆,有助柔軟、耐力增加、爆發力持續。 COLORS SELECTION SERIES / α-Ti ENERGY ENHANCED 1ST GENERATION SILICONE SPORT NECKLACE Materials of α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace are reformulated energy elements; furthermore, we have adjusted the production process to develop and manufacture light, comfortable, soft and fit α-Ti energy enhanced silicone sport necklace for not bothering movements. We have combined α-Ti with silicone by specific processing to enhance alpha waves to relieve shoulder and neck, better endurance and continuous explosive power.





104, 台北市, 中山區, 中山北路二段62巷29弄4號

02 2542 5635~7      .


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