
;阿發鈦~黃財神心咒能量紋身貼(5張)/ (α-Ti Yellow Jambhala Energy Enhanced Tattoo stickers(5pcs)

;阿發鈦~黃財神心咒能量紋身貼(5張)/  (α-Ti Yellow Jambhala Energy Enhanced Tattoo stickers(5pcs)
;阿發鈦~黃財神心咒能量紋身貼(5張)/ (α-Ti Yellow Jambhala Energy Enhanced Tattoo stickers(5pcs)

原價: NT$660.00

Special Price NT$500.00

可用性: 有存貨

1. 請身體不動,左顧右盼(轉頭到極限)姿勢,找到肩頸緊繃部位(即為疲勞點)。將黃財神咒能量紋身貼貼於緊繃部位後立即重覆轉頭動作,可立即感受肩頸緊繃、硬叩叩的部位放鬆了且轉動的角度變大變順暢了。
2. 反折手掌並伸直手肘,找到手臂緊繃點(即為疲勞點),將黃財神咒能量紋身貼貼於緊繃部位後立即重覆上述動作,可立即感受手臂緊繃部位放鬆了且反折手掌的角度變大了(肌肉柔軟度提昇了)。
3. 用各種姿勢讓身體部位延伸並找到緊繃點(即為疲勞點),將黃財神咒能量紋身貼貼於緊繃部位後立即重覆上述動作,可立即感受緊繃部位放鬆了且肌肉柔軟度提昇了。

α-Ti titanium patch test method:
1. Keep your body still and turn your head to left and right as far as you can to feel tense in shoulder and neck then find out the painful point. Put α-Ti titanium patch on it then repeatedly turn your head, you can notice the painful point disappeared as well as the turning angle is larger.
2. Bend back your hand while straighten your arm to feel and find the painful point. Put α-Ti titanium patch on it then repeatedly do the same movement above, you can feel the painful point is relieved and the bending angle is larger which means muscles are tenderer.
3. Stretch your body in various postures to find the painful point. Put α-Ti titanium patch on it then repeatedly do the same movements above, you can feel the painful point is relieved and muscles are tenderer.


α-Ti titanium patch instructions:
1. Please find the painful point in various postures.
2. Please put α-Ti titanium patch the painful point.
3. Repeatedly do the same movement to feel the painful point disappeared.


α-Ti Product directions: Relieving by physical principle without any drugs.

Shelf Life: 5 years.
Storage Method: Store in a dry and cool place as well as avoid high temperature, sunlight, fire, etc.
Attention: α-Ti titanium patch is non-medical product, please do not put it on wounds. α-Ti titanium patch is breathable, Yellow Jambhala Spell Tattoo stickers Comply with safety testing, no allergies, please feel free to use.


原自能量元素經重新配方及製程調整自行開發製造之 α-Ti鈦貼布,輕薄、舒適、貼身、柔軟貼過就知道,特殊加工法將阿發鈦與纖維結合,長時增強α波,使放鬆、釋壓!有助緊繃、疲勞、硬叩叩變的柔軟放鬆。 Materials of α-Ti titanium patch are reformulated from energy elements; furthermore, we have adjusted the production process to develop and manufacture light, comfortable, soft and fit α-Ti textile fabrics by specific processing to enhance alpha waves to relieve and release pressure for tender arms as well as improving endurance.





104, 台北市, 中山區, 中山北路二段62巷29弄4號

02 2542 5635~7      .


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