塑造個性化獨特能量飾品,世界獨一無二,絶不會有第二顆一模一樣樣式的能量石,只為您尊榮獨有且依緣份得之,有緣者拾之。 一般能稱為能量石市售價格皆不斐,豈是隨手可得之物,更何況是可立即讓您與"芳療能量氣動石"直接互動、反應測試的特別方式,以找到~有緣者得之,隨緣者拾之!期待您亦是有緣者並與能您緣份相連! 我們本著"好產品要讓有需要的人使用並能用的起"的分享理念,期冀能共利眾人,福澤眾生,亦不枉為能量保健產品製造研發供應之業者。能量石完全不會有任何2顆相同,皆是獨一無二。 能量石銷售不含項鍊,單純為銷售能量石。能量石計價單為每公克400元 x 重量即為單價(一般重量約為10g±5g間)。..........下訂前請與公司連絡,確認重量及金額後再行下單.............
Customize your personal and unique energy accessories with α-Ti aroma therapy energy stone which can not be found the second one with the exact same shape, only for those who have fate to own one. Energy stones are generally very expensive on the market, welcome to our store to experience and react with α-Ti aroma therapy energy stone. We as the supplier of energy enhanced products believe good products shall be affordable for people in need. The valuation of α-Ti aroma therapy energy stone is NT$400 per gram; therefore, total grams of α-Ti aroma therapy energy stone you choose * NT$400/g is the total amount of price. (Generally the weight of a pendant is 5~10 grams.)