超能量6mm矽膠材質,時尚有型,依照配戴者頸部尺寸製造並以特級阿發鈦能量加工後能有效舒鬆肩頸,緊繃放鬆,使肩頸柔軟。 適合使用: 1.時尚有型,流行精品款式,依配戴者量身訂製絶對合宜。 2.各種運動如:棒壘球、藍球、羽球、網球、桌球、高爾夫球...等活動。 3.打電腦,滑手機及各種職業工作肩頸部位不適者。 4.經常搬重物者。 緊繃是上班族,電腦族,手機使用者......等大家的通症! 本產品能快速讓肩頸~緊繃放鬆,舒爽柔軟。 本產品材質適用於各種環境,如溫泉,海水,浴沐,洗滌...等皆不須取下或特別處理。
◎ 項圈中的墜飾為裝飾用品,出貨時將不特定何種樣式 ◎
α-Ti energy enhanced customized silicone wristband w. stainless buckle is stylish and customized by the wrist size of wearers as well as able to relieve tense in wrists.
1. Stylish and customized by the wrist size of each wearer.
2. Suitable for every sports involving wrists such as baseball, softball, badminton, basketball, tennis, table tennis, golf and so on.
3. Any jobs using computers/mobile phones cause wrist uncomfortable.
4. Workers lift and move heavy objects.
Tense is the common failing to everyone nowadays especially office workers. α-Ti energy enhanced customized silicone wristband can relieve the wrist instantly and the material is fine with any environment. You don’t need to take α-Ti energy enhanced customized silicone wristband off for hot springs, sea, shower and so on.