
父親節~我最優惠~抗勞累輕鬆組(能量按摩霜_30ml x 6瓶 加贈1瓶=7瓶)組合特惠組

父親節~我最優惠~抗勞累輕鬆組(能量按摩霜_30ml  x 6瓶 加贈1瓶=7瓶)組合特惠組
父親節~我最優惠~抗勞累輕鬆組(能量按摩霜_30ml x 6瓶 加贈1瓶=7瓶)組合特惠組

原價: NT$4,060.00

Special Price NT$3,000.00

可用性: 有存貨

精油多半搭配基底油相伴使用,本公司物料供應之能量元素輔以特殊加工製成"獨一無二 ● 瞬效舒鬆"的特級精油按摩霜。

History of aromatherapy has been existed for more than 3,000 years as well as used in medical treatment, beauty products, massage and so on.
Essential oil generally speaking is aroma compounds extracted from plants, mostly be applied with base oil. We have specially processed with titanium energy elements supplied to manufacture the unique and instant relieving sandalwood essential oil massage lotion.
α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion is without any drugs but enables to relieve tense instantly. Welcome to our store now to try and experience it.

α-Ti Product directions:
Relieving by physical principle without any Chinese or western medicine.

α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion can be tested immediately, people are more tense or inflexible can feel relieving effect obviously. If you don’t feel any fatigue, then there is not so much difference for you. We suggest to apply α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion on fatigued shoulder, neck, arms, wrists, waist, back, legs, feet, ankles and so on; moreover, please apply evenly and widely on weak body parts. If you can use α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion with massage techniques, you will be aware of the relief is even better.

α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion instruction:
1. Try different postures to find fatigued and painful points.
2. Apply and spread α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion on those points, it’s even better with massage techniques.
3. Repeat same movements above and you can feel relief instantly.

Test method to find out painful points:
1. Keep your body still and turn your head to left and right as far as you can to feel tense in shoulder and neck then find out the painful point. Apply α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion on it then repeatedly turn your head, you can notice the painful point disappeared.
2. Quickly bobbing your wrists as fast as you can to feel either left or right wrist is less flexible. Apply α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion on the less flexible wrist then bob your wrists again that you can instantly be aware of the wrist with α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion on is much more flexible and easier.

α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion product information:
1. Natural essential oil as the base to process with titanium energy elements supplied.
2. Products on the market to relieve tense mostly contain medical ingredients; therefore, there might are side effects in liver or kidneys in a long time. There aren’t any Chinese or western medicine(166 types of medicine, steroid, doping, lead, mercury, etc.) contained that we have passed the inspection by SGS and Anchor Research, please use α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion with confidence. (inspection certificates are attached)
3. α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion is so non-medical that we can’t claim efficacy. Please do not put α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion on wounds. (α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion doesn’t contain any medical ingredients, thus unable to sterilize or reduce inflammation.) Please consult with doctors immediately once sick or injured.

Shelf Life: 5 years.
Storage Method: Store in a dry and cool place.
Attention: α-Ti sandalwood essential oil lotion is non-medical product please do not put it on wounds and not involved in efficacy. Please consult with doctors immediately once sick or injured.


Product principle: Relieving by physical principle without any drugs.

α-Ti titanium nine patch instruction:
1. Please find the painful point in various postures.
2. Please put α-Ti titanium nine patch the painful point.
3. Repeatedly do the same movement to feel the painful point disappeared.
4. Please press α-Ti titanium nine patch firmly to your skin in case of falling off.
1. 日本(宇治電)物料供應鈦元素+透氣貼布製作而成。
2. 市售能解決酸痛問題者皆為含藥產品,用多了會對肝、腎容易造成負擔且有副作用等問題;本產品不含任何藥物,取出時可嗅到除了紙的味道不會有其他任何味道。
3. 本產品為非藥性,故不宣稱療效,請勿使用於傷口(不含任何藥的成份所以不會殺菌也不會消炎);生病、受傷請即就醫。

α-Ti titanium nine patch product information:
1. Process titanium energy elements supplied by Japan UJIDEN with breathable tape.
2. Products on the market to relieve tense mostly contain medical ingredients; therefore, there might are side effects in liver or kidneys in a long time. There aren’t any drugs contained in α-Ti titanium nine patch also no odors.
3. α-Ti titanium nine patch is so non-medical that we can’t claim efficacy. Please do not put α-Ti large round titanium patch on wounds. (α-Ti titanium nine patch doesn’t contain any medical ingredients, thus unable to sterilize or reduce inflammation.) Please consult with doctors immediately once sick or injured.

Shelf Life: 5 years.
Storage Method: Store in a dry and cool place.
Attention: α-Ti large round titanium patch is non-medical product, please do not put it on wounds. α-Ti large round titanium patch is breathable; however, there are many different types of skin conditions thus we suggest not to stick it on more than 6 hours.


阿發鈦~能量輕鬆按摩霜~抗勞累輕鬆組,我不含任何中西藥~完全不傷肝、腎,無任何副作用喲!我能迅速放鬆緊繃”1秒立鬆";歡迎體驗,立即有感。 測試方法:請身體不動,轉頭至最左及最右邊(請盡量轉到極限)感受因肌肉緊繃並找到緊繃點,找到後請將九宮(圓)能量鈦貼布貼於緊繃點,重覆轉頭動作可感到緊繃點消失。 α-Ti titanium patch and essential oil massage cream combination.. Keep your body still and turn your head to left and right as far as you can to feel tense in shoulder and neck then find out the painful point. Put α-Ti titanium nine patch on it then repeatedly turn your head, you can notice the painful point disappeared. ※ α-Ti titanium nine patch is without any drugs but enables to relieve tense instantly. Welcome to our store now to try and experience it.





104, 台北市, 中山區, 中山北路二段62巷29弄4號

02 2542 5635~7      .


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